Track & AI


Artificial intelligence is here to stay. But our industry is about people. Just as Track is a powerful tool for managing hospitality operations, AI is a tool for optimization and efficiency. In both cases, the goal is to deliver value and service to customers.

Available Now: AI-Assisted Reviews Management

Did you know that responding quickly and thoughtfully to guest reviews improves your search performance?

Engagement on OTAs plays a significant role in search results. But managing reviews across multiple platforms and properties can be overwhelming.

TrackDistribution’s AI-assisted reviews management feature uses contextual cues to generate replies to reviews with empathy and brand specificity. Consistent engagement over time improves search results, and cross-channel reviews management from one platform saves time and money.

Coming Soon: Auto-Tagging of Listing Photos

When it comes to property listings, content is king. Everything from photos to descriptions and amenities has to be spot-on. The tricky part is convincing search algorithms to show them to travelers.

Search engines put the most relevant content first. But the text in a listing is only part of the equation. It also looks at the tags embedded in digital photos. Unfortunately, tagging photos is a tedious, manual task if it’s done at all.

Our AI auto-tagging feature, currently in development, uses visual cues to assign relevant tags to your property photos, improving your search performance while saving time. Look for this feature soon!

Get to the Core of Artificial Intelligence

7 Approaches to Track AI

Focus on Customer Satisfaction, Not Hype

Our priority is delivering value to customers. AI is a tool that offers powerful new ways to improve performance and guest service.

Generative AI for Listing Content

Soon, we'll use GenAI to rewrite or improve listing descriptions across platforms (Airbnb, Vrbo).

AI is a tool among many

AI isn’t a magic bullet — it’s just one of many methods (such as machine learning) that help us solve real-world problems quickly and easily. If a simpler approach works with a different tool, we should use it.

Keep Hospitality Human

We know this is still a person-to-person industry. Automation shouldn’t replace hospitality; it should support and enhance it.

Proactive Customer Service & Guest Assistance

AI “agents” can handle routine requests on behalf of the user. Trained on the right data, they can even anticipate guests' needs such as extra beach towels or common requests.

Improving Operations

From route planning for cleaning schedules to other optimizations, we’ll apply AI only when it helps. Sometimes a more straightforward solution is enough.

Auto-Tagging Images

We’re building a model to automatically tag listing photos with relevant keywords. Human feedback makes the model smarter and better, saving time while improving both accuracy and search results.

GenAI + Track

Using Track’s Generative AI