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Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

By cody

70% of travelers are researching and booking vacation rentals from their smartphones and tablets. It is imperative your website adapts to every screen size and shape. 

Put yourself in your traveler’s shoes. When you visit a website, would you want to see cut off images or not be able to see where you can check availability? No. You would move on to the next website immediately.

Your website needs to be professional and showcase all the great features your property has to offer. 

You can use this Google tool to tell if your website is mobile friendly!

Alongside vacation rental industry-leading companies such as Premier Island Management Group and, we have designed over 300 hospitality websites, support over 39,000+ units on our Booking Engine platform, and manage over 400 hospitality companies with their digital marketing solutions. If you would like help or discuss how to improve your current website, schedule a meeting today!

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